BrainGames Wiki

This is a wiki for making fanon shows and companies, as well as alternate universes of existing companies.


BrainGames Wiki


  • 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: A lot of the movie.
  • Angry Black Man: Darius.
  • Big Damn Movie: The show is about a group of roommates/friends hanging out and doing stuff. The movie is about the same group of roommates/friends saving the world from a deadly glitch.
  • Comedic Hero: Jack.
  • Geek: Clark.
  • Logo Joke: A unique Warner Animation logo appears in this film. It starts with a red, a green, and a blue square coming together. Then, more red, green and blue squares come together to form a black and white swirl. We zoom out from the swirl to reveal the Warner Bros. shield in a multicolored background. The word "Animation" writes itself.
  • Scary Black Man: Also Darius.
  • Title Drop: Kate mentions the series title when she pins down Jack.
    • Kate: You fucked up, Jack. Big time.
    • Jack: Ah! You said the thing!